We advise those who make the world a better place – for free!

We are a network of IT experts, graphic designers, project managers and entrepreneurs who like to support those who try to make the world a better place with our skills and part of our time. Without any commercial intentions.

Based on the approach of Effective Altruism and the awareness of scarce personal resources as well as limited options for action, we have considered which „lever“ is the most effective for us.

Our Offer

We make our IT competence and project management experience available to you for a consulting round – free of charge and just like that.


You are an initiative, a small or medium-sized NGO, gGmbH, organization or start-up that is committed to alternative forms of economy, technologies, ways of life or modes of action (and thus implicitly and explicitly against climate change). You are well versed in your own field of expertise, but weak when it comes to topics from the following areas:

  • IT
  • Corporate strategies
  • Project Management
  • UX/UI
  • Online marketing
  • Corporate Communications

We enjoy doing this!

We offer you to simply come together. Free of charge, without obligation, and expressly without any intention on our part to generate business. But just like that. We support you in an advisory capacity, intervening here and there, brainstorming, and answering your questions if we can.


  • What is the best strategy to set up a website? How do we approach this? How expensive will it be, how complex, how annoying?
  • How do we test our online impact? How do we optimize it?
  • Do we need communication design?
  • How do we proceed if we want to collect donations? How do the tools work?
  • What do we have to consider legally? What is this cheese with ECJ and cookies?
  • How can we best cooperate online? Is our data safe?
  • And much more …

Get in touch!

We can not guarantee anything – it all depends on the requirements and the availability of the right advisors. But we love to do that and are happy if we can make the world a better place with you. Just contact us:

Call +49 30 695 154 98
write to info@pleasedomore.org.