How we contribute

Free consulting services

Who do we support?

You are an initiative, a small or medium-sized NGO, non-profit organization or a start-up that is committed to tackling one of the major ecological, social, political and so on challenges.

How does it work?

Just come around and we talk, free of charge, without any obligation. Just like that. We support you in an advisory capacity, intervening here and there, brainstorming, and answering your questions if we can.

Understanding the IT landscape

If some of the following questions are familiar to you, we can assist you in kickstarting your operations which are somehow related to IT.

  • Where do we start?
  • What are all those terms?
  • What do we need from all this?
  • Who can help us? How do we find them?
  • How do we build a team?
  • How much does it cost?
  • We got an offer from a software company – are they too expensive?
  • What comes off-the-shelf, what needs to be developed individually?

Effective communication

  • Do we use Slack?
  • Slow talk
  • Liberating Structures
  • How to organize and moderate (IT) workshops
  • UI/UX
  • What about project management tools?
  • How to collaborate on
    • creating documents
    • writing specifications
    • documentation

Business analysis and business process management

Our business analysis consultants are engaged in so-called “outside looking in“ consultancy which includes the following:

  • training
  • idea generation
  • performing a process assessment
  • reviewing project deliverables or process documentation
  • assisting in standardization of business analysis and business process management

Project Management

Some of the common services we provide within this knowledge area include:

  • training
  • review of your current project management processes and capabilities
  • overview of weaknesses in your current processes and/or controls
  • assisting in standardization of project management
  • support in the implementation of new tools, processes, and procedures
  • change management and transformation support
  • assisting the rescue of troubled and complex projects which can lead your organization into a difficult position

IT infrastructure

  • What do we really need to run our operations?
  • Do we go on-premise or cloud?

Software development

  • Which technology stack shall we use for our solution?
  • How do I evaluate the professional level of a developer/a company?
  • Can I / Should I nearshore/offshore my projects and safe money? How?

And yet, we can’t do the actual work for you

More often than not, entrepreneurs lack IT knowledge. Our offer is to put you on track, support you, consult you, answer your questions, be your angel – but not do the actual work. Our intent is to save you countless hours of research and point you in the right direction, but from then on project management, business analysis, development, and so on must be organised by your team. We just see ourselves as some kind of „background angels“ that are there in the beginning and that can be contacted later in moments of need, emergency, or over coffee and cake, but not as part of the team on a regular basis.

We want to make very clear that we do not do this to generate business for us. Our only intention is to do some good in our line of expertise. It is best to keep that part of our work completely separate from our free-of-charge offers. On the one hand there are no strings attached, on the other it means that we do not engage beyond consulting you. 

Get in touch!

We cannot guarantee a claim to this – it works depending on availability. We are very happy to do it. And we look forward to improving the world a little with you. Just ask:

Phone: +49 30 754 399 63